Monday, October 25, 2010

Day Five - The day I slept until 11

I just woke up.  Usually I wake up around 9:30 which is a really long time to sleep for me considering I'm usually in bed by 10:30/11.  Last night I essentially slept 12 hours, with a small break where I woke up to say good bye to my b/f then throw myself back in bed. I do this every morning to some degree because the alarm goes off at 7am and I don't need to get up.  Usually when I get into a routine I wake up after either 7 or  9.5 hours of sleep so for me to be sleeping so much is not normal.

Anyway, I'm still stiff after two rest days.  It's possible that I'm getting the flu or I'm just stiff after not exercising for two days, a sign that I should get off my ass.

Yesterday I complained that there were no warm ups with the work outs.  Turns out I didn't look hard enough and there are separate videos for that and in this morning's video Zuzanna said to "be sure to always do the warmup".  So I take back what I said yestday.
Today I'm doing the "warm up routine" and the "enjoy the burn" workout which I watching now before breakfast and wanting to die.
If anybody's reading this by the way you can comment or subscribe or something. I'd like to know I'm not writing to hear myself type.

Day Four - The day I ate my feelings

I worked a 10 hour inventory shift yesterday.  The managers bought candy. I ate it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Days 2 and 3 (from day 4) - The day I ate the grapefruit

I woke up earlier than usual on day 2 which was great because I had a bunch of stuff to do.
I haven't eaten any refined sugar yet.  Well...that's a lie.  I haven't sat down to quarter of a cake or anything but yesterday I had Irving cappuccino which is essentially warm milky sugar water with some coffee in it (it comes from a machine and you drink it from a paper cup).  I also ate some ketchup but gimmie a break, I was up and at work by 8:30 I needed something!  Also it's nearly impossible to give up all sugar (see:ketchup) unless you want to have a hugely inconvenient life.
I'm not really going for the born-again-health-nut thing.  We all know one person who used to be cool and then read an article in Reader's Digest about MSG and now they're on a crusade to rid themselves and you of all sorts of unhealty things.
"Oh, how can you drink that Pepsi like you know how much sugar's in that?"  "Yeah, I used to eat bananas but they're just so full of simple carbs."  You know those people.  They're often the same type of people who "find" Jesus/buddah when really they were just spending the first half of their lives ignoring them and having fun like the rest of us.   I digress.
I'm trying to do this by being as unannoying as possible.  So far so good I think.
So I got up early and ate a grapefruit.
Now, I don't know if this is just me or if most people feel this way but I really hate bitter things.  If I taste bitter in something I can't eat it (usually), and I taste things as bitter when they're probably not. Like anything with portobello mushrooms in them.
But I read once in Reader's Digest that grapefruit is really good for you and I have this like romanticized vision of people eating grapefruit in their sunroom and reading the paper.  Anyway this is turning out to be really long so I'll cut to the chase.  I broiled the grapefruit with some brown sugar (oh, forgot to mention that) which made it look and smell really nice.  I choked down half of one, it was okay.  Not ever something that I would enjoy.  I ate it like I take cough syrup or a loved ones cooking that I don't really like, completely out of necessity.

Then I exercised.
Already stiff from the day before when I lugged around a bag of sand and then did burpees I did a much longer workout that was like 5 different exercises in 3 different "phases". The oh-so-simple instructions here
Phase one was just squatting and jumping.  Squat and jump for 30 seconds, 6 times.  Yeah...great.  The first time my timer didn't go off to tell me 30 seconds was over so I did 21.  Then it was all uphill from there, I did like 15, 10, 10, 8, 7 and was gasping for breath.  My thighs still hurt as do my calves. My cardio is my least favourite thing about myself.  I see fat people on bikes but I can't bike without getting winded...this hurts my feelings.
The second phase was a total bust.  I forgot how to do the first part of the exercise so I just did pushups (my arms/chest still hurt) and then you had to do reverse pushups which I tried to do with chairs but it didn't work because my hands wouldn't fit through the rungs.
Phase 3 was the worst.  You do running on the spot but lift your knees like a fiend "high knees" is what "Zusanna" calls them.  You do that for 30 seconds then drop onto your stomach, roll over, and do bicycle crunches.  You do this TWELVE TIMES!  Around the 4th time I hovered above my body and visited a place that wasn't exercise. I could only do 6 because I was gasping for air.
It's day 4, I'm taking 2 rest days while I work full shifts and I'm still sore.  My stomach and chest especially.  Last night it felt like I had the flu I was so stiff.
The thing I don't like about these work out videos is that there's no warm up at all and by the end I'm way to tired to cool down (which is my own fault, I know how to stretch). 
So anyway if I have no refined sugar today then I'll be four days without it and I don't really miss it other than the convenience of eating a Mr.Big rather than having an actual lunch. <3

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day One - The day I bought the sand

Having nothing more than an evening and weekend job has motivated me to do nothing.  Just get out of bed after 11 hours of sleep, shlep myself to the couch and watch TV for hours until taking a nap around 3 and getting up in time for my shift at 5:30.
So yesterday I decided that enough was enough and I need to do something with my time.  Having lost my winter weight I am basking in the glory of fall weight loss a time before the sun goes down at 5 and I get so depressed by the drudgery of winter that I eat myself into a small coma.
I decided that I'm going to start doing these work out videos that I found at not so much in the hopes that I'll look like the beautifully busty eastern european girl who hosts the videos but just so I can say I'm doing something, and maybe I'll start pooping like a normal person again.

My goal after the 30 days is simply to have worked out at least 5 times per week for a month and see where it gets me.
I'll also try not to reward myself with the food I love so much. Let it be known that I love food especially carbs, refined sugar, and anything with high-fructose corn syrup.

Also, I don't think I'm fat.  This is just about getting off my ass.

It's also important to note that while I was pumped to start this yesterday I am significantly less pumped today.  Especially while my peanut butter pie stares me in the face.  I will have probably quit by tomorrow and this will just be one of the many blogs that I start on a whim and don't maintain.

Today I've eaten some cereal and a salad.  I'm hungry for sugars but I eat way too much junk (an entire pb pie in 2 days for example). So hungry in fact that I chose my blog layout based on how hungry it made me (naturally chocolate brown was out of the question).  Right now I'm going to do the first workout which you can find here:

I'm not affiliated with these people in any way and do not blame them for my injury or your injury or my failure or your failure.